Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Real Spider Woman

The man who was "the spider woman" himself... Manuel Puig.

"Something a little strange, that's what you notice, that she's not a woman like all the others. She looks fairly young, twenty-five, maybe a little more, petite face, a little catlike, small turned-up nose. The shape of her face, it's... more roundish than oval, broad forehead, pronounced cheeks too but then they come down to a point, like with cats." Kiss of the spider woman, Chapter 1, page 1.

Manuel Puig (born Juan Manuel Puig Delledonne) (General Villegas, Argentina, December 28, 1932 - Cuernavaca, Mexico, July 22, 1990) was an Argentinian author. Among his best known novels are La traición de Rita Hayworth (1968) (Betrayed by Rita Hayworth), Boquitas pintadas (1969) (Heartbreak Tango), and El beso de la mujer araña (1976) (Kiss of the Spider Woman), which was made into a film by the Argentine-Brazilian director, Hector Babenco and in 1993 into a Broadway musical.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Boca de Cena or The Apron of the Stage

Many people have asked me what "boca de cena" means in English. Here's the meaning:

The apron is any part of the stage that extends past the proscenium arch and into the audience or seating area. The Elizabethan stage, which was a raised platform with the audience on three sides, is the outstanding example. Most stages edges are curved slightly outward providing a very small apron. Some have a large playing space protruding into the audience and in turn a very large apron.

Várias pessoas já me perguntaram o que é "boca de cena". O significado de boca de cena, em português, é quase que óbvio. É a área do chamado proscênio. Muitas vezes, a parte mais próxima entre o palco e a plateia -- a beirada-- é também considerada a boca de cena. Ou seja, é a "boca" do palco.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ezra Pound II


Green arsenic smeared on an egg-white cloth,
Crushed strawberries! Come, let us feast our eyes.
(Photo by Richard Avedon, 1958)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Ezra Pound

"I did not enter into silence, silence captured me."
                                             —Pound to Dominique de Roux, 1965

Ezra Weston Loomis Pound (30 October 1885 – 1 November 1972) was an American expatriate poet, critic and a major figure of the early modernist movement. His contribution to poetry began with his promotion of Imagism, a movement that derived its technique from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry, stressing clarity, precision and economy of language. (Wikipedia)

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Water of the Water

Day and night the Sea throws up froth.
You see the foaming surface, but not the Sea. Amazing!
We are clashing against each other like boats:
our eyes are darkened though we're in clear water.
Asleep in the body's skiff, we float,
unaware of the Water of the water.
The water has a Water that is driving it;
the spirit has a Spirit that is calling it.
                                                Mathnaw1 III, 1271-1274
                                                                            by Rumi

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July? Really?

This is what I still cannot comprehend. The American Revolution, as every historian may point out, began in 1775 and lasted for 8 years, ending, to be more precise, on September 3rd, 1783. Therefore, the date of 4th of July was the day when the Second Continental Congress convened to sign the Declaration of Independence. The word "declaration" explains most of it. The date of 4th of July does not mark the day  the U.S. was freed from Great Britain. That is the day they decided to reinforce their efforts to kick the Brits out of the American shores. By the way, many historians claim that the Founding Fathers had met on the 2nd of July. So, here's the question: Wouldn't the date of September 3rd, 1783 be more appropriate to be called the Independence Day of the United States of America?  Discuss!

Isso é o que eu ainda não consigo compreender. A Revolução Americana, como todo historiador aponta, começou em 1775 e durou por 8 anos, tendo seu fim, para ser mais preciso, no dia 3 de setembro de 1783. Portanto, o 4 de julho foi o dia quando se reuniu o Segundo Congresso do Continente Norte-Americano para assinar a Declaração da Independência. A palavara "declaração" explica a maior parte de tudo isso. O 4 de julho não marca a data durante a qual os Estados Unidos se libertaram da Grã-Bretanha. Aquele foi o dia em que ficou decidido que deveriam reforçar seus esforços em chutar os Britânicos para fora dos E.U.A. A propósito, muitos historiadores declaram que os "Founding Fathers" se encontraram no dia 2 de julho! Então, aqui vai a pergunta: Não seria a data de 3 de setembro de 1783 mais apropriada para ser chamada de Dia da Independência dos Estados Unidos da América? Discutam!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon (28 October 1909 – 28 April 1992) was an Irish-born British figurative painter known for his bold, graphic and emotionally raw imagery.Bacon's painterly but abstracted figures typically appear isolated in glass or steel geometrical cages set against flat, nondescript backgrounds. (Wikipedia)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Dear Taiwan - a documentary

Dear Taiwan
by Wilson Loria

Right at the beginning of director Chen Lihkuei’s documentary Dear Taiwan, white clouds are shown rolling and moving at an incredible fast speed. And that seems to be part of the pace with which Taiwanese society lives today. During one and a half hours of  interviews, Taiwanese artists, musicians (Taiwanese hip hop was certainly a surprise to this writer), and social activists state their viewpoints and opinions about two main discussions in today‘s Taiwan: total independence from the mainland China or unification. There! That’s the main theme of this quite informative documentary.

In spite of the fact that Dear Taiwan is spoken in Chinese and/or Taiwanese (I would dare say),with the exception of a few sentences in English throughout the movie, the language is definitely not a barrier for a non-Chinese speaker to understand and, to some extent, sympathize with the presented cause. One can easily “feel” those heated discussions; language here is not a major key. But the best part of those discussions/demonstrations is the presence of young people in, say, an indoor audience or a street rally. They voice their opinions and sing their protest songs passionately. Passion is the keyword that can be heard and felt through these young people on screen.

Seeing so many politicized young people in today’s world is a healthy realization that not everything is lost. They (and I mean the youth in the whole world) are out there, fighting  to be heard by their not-so open-minded governments. Examples mushroom in the world: Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and more recently Syria. Let alone “Occupy this” or “Occupy that” throughout the western world. Before the viewing of this documentary, I confess that I had never ever thought of or envisioned Taiwanese young people being part of that list. What a surprising realization!

As for the discussion about Taiwan’s issue of independence or unification per se, it is difficult for a foreigner to give his or her opinion about such a heated issue. But, of course, I cannot deny that my first reaction is to march shoulder to shoulder with those young men and women all around Taipei or any other city around the country. Note that I am calling Taiwan  a country; not even an island.

Talking about islands. I have heard, most of my life, that people who were born on islands love to associate their roots with a country on the mainland. Wherever that mainland may be. For example, Cubans like to gladly inform that they are Cubans but their grandparents are from Spain. Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and many others seem to share the same feeling towards their roots. However, through Dear Taiwan, we learn that these same young people are surely not in favor of associating themselves with the mainland China at all. They seem to be totally aware of their roots, but mainly aware of  their Taiwanese, proud roots.

In conclusion, Dear Taiwan works as an open letter to the world. A letter that attempts to explain the political situation in Taiwan and its youth. A letter that seems to be flying incredibly fast through those white clouds at the beginning of the documentary. May the world, as a united voice, answer those young Taiwanese men and women as fast as they all deserve.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Jesus Christ Superstar

Yes, I've found Jesus. Just kidding. This is Ted Neely (the actor who played the Nazarene on screen and keeps playing Him on stage) giving me a hug after a presentation of Jesus Christ Superstar (Orlando), 2008

(Sim, encontrei Jesus. Brincadeirinha. Este é o Ted Neely (o ator que fez o papel do Nazareno nas telas e continua fazendo-o no teatro) dando-me um abraço depois de uma apresentação de Jesus Christ Superstar (Orlando), 2008)